Professional Acivities

During early years I had left my hometown Dortmund for education and for my studys as a medical assistant (nurse), as a protestant deacon as well as a social-therapist (paramedical psychotherapist for psychosomatic and dependence-ill people).

Below some segments out of my professional development.

  • Managing director of the "Psychosozialen Beratungs- und Behandlungsstelle für Abhängigkeitskranke" (consultation ambulance for people with alcoholic and drug problems), Diakonisches Werk, Frankenthal/Pfalz
  • Teaching consultant (additional occupation), Berufsschule Frankenthal/Pfalz (vocational college)
  • Press- and Public Informations Officer (PIO), assistant of the board of directors, Badischer Landesverband gegen die Suchtgefahren (blv), Renchen/Baden
  • Constantly guest speaker (additional occupation), training center of the Daimler-Benz AG, Haus Lautenbach/Baden-Württemberg
  • Manager of the Press- and Public Relations Department and Public Information Officer (PIO) of the "Blumeninsel Mainau" ("Flower Island"), Konstanz
  • Personal adviser of the Count and Countess Lennart and Sonja Bernadotte family, Island of Mainau

In the year 1989 I made myself professional independent and founded a "Press- and Public Relations Agency" (later: "FirePublications/Feuerwehrpresse Wolfgang Jendsch) as a freelance journalist.

In that function I worked temporarly also for various newspaper- and magazine editorial staffs (among other Südkurier, Radolfzeller Wochenblatt, Stadtanzeiger Offenburg).

Later I limited myself exclusively to the working area "Brandschutz/Rettungsdienst" (Fire Service, Medical Rescue Service) and have worked up to my retirement in July 2014 as a journalist, special editor, photographer and publisher for significant international publishing houses (Fire Service) in Europe and in the USA - among others ...

  • Special magazine "Feuerwehr-Magazin" (Fire Service Magazine), Kortlepel GmbH, Bremen (author, photographer)
  • Special magazine "Rettungsmagazin" (Medical Rescue Magazine), Kortlepel Verlag, Bremen (author, photographer)
  • Special magazine "Brandschutz" (Fire Protection Magazine), Kohlhammer Verlag, Stuttgart (author, photographer)
  • Special magazine "Brandhilfe" (Fire Magazine) Baden-Württemberg, Villingen-Schwenningen (author, photographer)
  • Special magazine "Bevölkerungsschutz-Magazin" (Disaster Magazine), Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz (Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance), Bonn (author, photographer)
  • Special magazine "112-Magazin" (Fire Magazine), Verlag 112-InFire GmbH (special editor, author, deputy chief editor)
  • Special magazine "Wildfire Magazine", International Association of Wildland Fire/IAWF, USA (author)
  • Special magazine "Faszination Feuerwehr" (Fire Magazine), DeAgostini (Palmedia Publishing Services), Berlin (author)
  • Kognos Verlag Braun GmbH, Augsburg (author "Das große Feuerwehr-Handbuch"/The Large Fire Book)
  • Weltrundschau Verlag, Baar/Schweiz (special editor, author)
  • Motorbuch Verlag, Paul Pietsch Verlage (publishing house), Stuttgart (Stammautor/main book author since 2006)
  • GeraMond Verlag GmbH (publishing house), München (book author)
  • Ecomed Verlag Sicherheit, Verlagsgruppe Hüthig Jehle Rehm GmbH (publishing house), Landsberg am Lech (special editor, author, book author, publisher "Das Unternehmen Feuerwehr" since 2005)
Since July 2014 I am in the retirement. Probably still till May 2018 I could bring begun orders and projects to its end. In my main job I will not work after that any time longer. Instead I will dedicate myself exclusively to my private interests.


Professional Advanced- and Continuing Education (Selection)

  • Advanced education „Klienten- und themenzentrierte Gesprächsführung“ (Client- and subjects-centred Conversation Guidance), Prof. Dr. Knapp, University of Heidelberg
  • Advanced education „Themenzentrierte Interaktion“ (TZI; Subjects-centred Interaction), Gesamtverband Suchtkrankenhilfe Kassel
  • Advanced education „Psychosomatik und Psychiatrie“ (Psychosomatics and Psychiatry), University of Heidelberg
  • State exam „Rettungssanitäter“ (Paramedic), Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe (JUH)
  • Advanced education „Grundlagen der Führung im KatS - Teil 1“ (Bases of the Guidance in the Disaster Service), Federal Disaster Service School, Ahrweiler
  • Advanced education „Notfall-Medizin“ (Emergency Medicine), Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe (JUH), LV Baden-Württemberg, Mannheim 
  • Advanced education „Transaktionsanalyse" einschließlich Eigenanalyse (Transaction Analysis, including own analysis), Gesamtverband Suchtkrankenhilfe, Kassel
  • Advanced education „Management 1 - Gustav Käser Training“: Psychologische Grundlagen, Vorbereitung und Selbstmotivation, Zeitmanagement, Führungsgrundsätze, Personalbeurteilung und -förderung, Persönliches Wirken nach innen und außen (Psychological bases, Preparation and selfmotivation, Time management, Leadership principles, Personnel judgement and staff support, Personal work inwards and outside), Gustav Käser AG, Zurich/Switzerland
  • Special Course „Führungskräfte, Pressewart“ (Executives, Public Information Officer/PIO) - State Fire School of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bruchsal
  • Professional education „Kreispressewart“ (County Public Information Officer/PIO) - State Fire School of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bruchsal
  • Advanced education „Planung und Organisation von Großveranstaltungen und Großeinsätzen“ (Planning and Organization of large Events and major Operations), Bezirksärztekammer (District Medical Association) Nordwürttemberg, Stuttgart
  • Advanced education „Leichtsinn beim Retten?“ (Carelessness during Rescue Operations?), Bezirksärztekammer (District Medical Association) Nordwürttemberg, Stuttgart 
  • Advanced education „Gefahrenverhalten und seine Auswirkungen“ (Danger Behavior and its Consequences), Bezirksärztekammer (District Medical Association) Nordwürttemberg, Stuttgart 
  • Education seminar „Arbeitsmedizinische Prävention bei Aufenthalten im Ausland“ (Working-medical Prevention for stays in foreign countries), Vereinigte Berufsgenossenschaften (VBG), Akademie Schloss Storkau 
  • Education seminar „Stress handhaben“ (Stress Use), Vereinigte Berufsgenossenschaften (VBG), Akademie Schloss Bamberg
  • Education seminar „Verkehrsraum der Zukunft“ (Traffic Areas of the Future), Deutscher Verkehrssicherheitsrat (DVR; German Road Safety Council), Dipperz/Fulda
  • Education seminar „Abgelenkt?“ (Deflected?), Deutscher Verkehrssicherheitsrat (DVR; German Road Safety Council), Rodgau
  • Education seminar „Mit Blau- und Gelblicht unterwegs: Sicher zu einem Notfalleinsatz fahren“ (Driving with blue and yellow Flashlights: Driving safety to an Emergency Operation), Berufsgenossenschaft (VBG), Dresden
  • Education seminar „Sicher ankommen - Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung von Unfällen im Straßenverkehr“ (Arriving safety - Measures to the Avoidance of Traffic Accidents), Berufsgenossenschaft (VBG), Dresden