To the Person
I was born on July 20, 1950, in Dortmund (North Rhine-Westphalia).
There I visited there the Volks- und Realschule (Elementary and Secondary School) as well as the Gymnasium (High School) and than I leave Dortmund for studying and to the job training.
My professional activities led me at first to Rheinland-Pfalz (Rhineland-Palatinate) and from there to Baden-Wuerttemberg, at last to the City of Radolfzell at the beautiful Bodensee (Lake Constance).
"Working, where others make there vacation!" - so I could summarize the long-standing time in Radolfzell.
At the same time, however, the numerous orders offered to myself as a journalist, photographer and book author enought opportunities to be active very successfully also in many parts of the world.
After the entry into the retirement I live und work furthermore in the nice city at the western part of Lake Constance.
Since August 1994 I am married with my wife Susanne. The qualified social therapist and business economist worked up to he retirement in January 2017 as a head of a social consulting institution also in Radolfzell.
Allready during young years I could be enthusiastic for brass music. When I recieved the first record of Ernst Mosch and his Egerländer Musicians from my father in 1956, the own musical education followed as a result as well as my successful activities in different musical formations and groups later on.
After my entry into the retirement from July 2014 I will devote myself furthermore the Egerland and bohemian brass music. In addition, it is a matter of maintening an extensive audio- and informations archive. So I have "work" enought to be able to enjoy the "retirement" still possible long and hopeful healthy.
"Good bye" from Working Live
With the following letter I said goodbye from the active professional working life as well as from my business partners, colleagues, firefighters and friends.
Dear business partners,
dear colleagues, fellow firefighters and friends,
„... der Weg war das Ziel!“ (The way was the destination!) - thus could sum up in change of a citation assigned to Chinese philosopher Konfuzius, when I am looking back on to more than 45 working years, after this purpose is reached now.
On July 1, 2014 I began my proverbially „well-earned“ retirement.
After my professional and adjunct activities in the medical-psychotherapeutic area, in the medical rescue service and with the Fire Service, as a Public Information Officer (PIO), since 1987 as a freelance journalist, special editor, author and photographer within the scope of my international working company „FirePublications/Feuerwehrpresse“ and after more than 40 published special books as well as several hundreds of contributions on the subject of „Fire and Rescue Service“ in the international media the time is coming now to turn to other - widely private - fields of activities -, for example to my activities in the „Forschungsgemeinschaft Egerländer Kulturschaffender“ (AEK; Research Foundation of cultural-active people from the Egerland/Bohemia) -, to take care of my „Egerländer Blasmusik- und Informationsarchivs“ (Egerländer Brass Music and Information Archive) -, as an active musician of the Egerländer and Bohemian folk music and to so much other nice things, which the life maybe will offer to me in the next years.
From now on I will be work in the Fire Service only exceptionally as an author or adviser.
Now I am looking back to a long and in wide parts also to a very nice working time. Beside, I will miss the very numerous contacts with colleagues, comrades and friends in numerous states of the world - and maybe many of these contacts will miss me, too?!
Others maybe will react on my „good-by!“ possibly „delighted“, because without doubt it gave also sometimes conflicts and beginnings of envy among colleagues and unfortunately also surround the Fire Service and firefighters as well.
And allowedly - maybe „uncomplicated“ I wasn’t myself also not always?!
Retrospective, in spite of it all, predominant was the pleasure with all the numerous diverse duties, challenges and activities, the enjoyment in the context of numerous technical and human experiences and a certain pride in the recognitions more personally of professional achievements as well - for example by the honour and conferment of a medal of honour for merits to the Czech Fire Service in 2010, or the international „Golden Firefighter Award“ in 2005.
Also my years-long main focus in the fire service - wildland firefighting in Europe and in the USA - brings up to now still personal recognition as well as many personal contacts and friendships.
Now I say „thank you!“ to all of you for an often long-standing, pleasant and often confidential collaboration, for your active help and technical support during many projects as well as for a personal cooperation which has done pleasure and joy over and over again.
To you all furthermore „frohes Schaffen“ (in Germany it means: working with pleasure), the desired professional success, personal contentment and above all health.
The last will be also something that I wish for myself in the future surely long.
Maybe we will see us again sometimes - on a press conference perhaps, on a congress or at one of the numerous fire service events - otherwise maybe also sometimes at the nice „Bodensee“ (Lake Constance, Germany)?!
I say goodbye with friendly greetings from Germany
Wolfgang Jendsch
Special Editor a. D., Author