Professional Acivities
During early years I had left my hometown Dortmund for education and for my studys as a medical assistant (nurse), as a protestant deacon as well as a social-therapist (paramedical psychotherapist for psychosomatic and dependence-ill people).
Below some segments out of my professional development.
- Managing director of the "Psychosozialen Beratungs- und Behandlungsstelle für Abhängigkeitskranke" (consultation ambulance for people with alcoholic and drug problems), Diakonisches Werk, Frankenthal/Pfalz
- Teaching consultant (additional occupation), Berufsschule Frankenthal/Pfalz (vocational college)
- Press- and Public Informations Officer (PIO), assistant of the board of directors, Badischer Landesverband gegen die Suchtgefahren (blv), Renchen/Baden
- Constantly guest speaker (additional occupation), training center of the Daimler-Benz AG, Haus Lautenbach/Baden-Württemberg
- Manager of the Press- and Public Relations Department and Public Information Officer (PIO) of the "Blumeninsel Mainau" ("Flower Island"), Konstanz
- Personal adviser of the Count and Countess Lennart and Sonja Bernadotte family, Island of Mainau
In the year 1989 I made myself professional independent and founded a "Press- and Public Relations Agency" (later: "FirePublications/Feuerwehrpresse Wolfgang Jendsch) as a freelance journalist.
In that function I worked temporarly also for various newspaper- and magazine editorial staffs (among other Südkurier, Radolfzeller Wochenblatt, Stadtanzeiger Offenburg).
Later I limited myself exclusively to the working area "Brandschutz/Rettungsdienst" (Fire Service, Medical Rescue Service) and have worked up to my retirement in July 2014 as a journalist, special editor, photographer and publisher for significant international publishing houses (Fire Service) in Europe and in the USA - among others ...
- Special magazine "Feuerwehr-Magazin" (Fire Service Magazine), Kortlepel GmbH, Bremen (author, photographer)
- Special magazine "Rettungsmagazin" (Medical Rescue Magazine), Kortlepel Verlag, Bremen (author, photographer)
- Special magazine "Brandschutz" (Fire Protection Magazine), Kohlhammer Verlag, Stuttgart (author, photographer)
- Special magazine "Brandhilfe" (Fire Magazine) Baden-Württemberg, Villingen-Schwenningen (author, photographer)
- Special magazine "Bevölkerungsschutz-Magazin" (Disaster Magazine), Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz (Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance), Bonn (author, photographer)
- Special magazine "112-Magazin" (Fire Magazine), Verlag 112-InFire GmbH (special editor, author, deputy chief editor)
- Special magazine "Wildfire Magazine", International Association of Wildland Fire/IAWF, USA (author)
- Special magazine "Faszination Feuerwehr" (Fire Magazine), DeAgostini (Palmedia Publishing Services), Berlin (author)
- Kognos Verlag Braun GmbH, Augsburg (author "Das große Feuerwehr-Handbuch"/The Large Fire Book)
- Weltrundschau Verlag, Baar/Schweiz (special editor, author)
- Motorbuch Verlag, Paul Pietsch Verlage (publishing house), Stuttgart (Stammautor/main book author since 2006)
- GeraMond Verlag GmbH (publishing house), München (book author)
- Ecomed Verlag Sicherheit, Verlagsgruppe Hüthig Jehle Rehm GmbH (publishing house), Landsberg am Lech (special editor, author, book author, publisher "Das Unternehmen Feuerwehr" since 2005)
Since July 2014 I am in the retirement. Probably still till May 2018 I could bring begun orders and projects to its end. In my main job I will not work after that any time longer. Instead I will dedicate myself exclusively to my private interests.
Professional Advanced- and Continuing Education (Selection)
Advanced education „Klienten- und themenzentrierte Gesprächsführung“ (Client- and subjects-centred Conversation Guidance), Prof. Dr. Knapp, University of Heidelberg
Advanced education „Themenzentrierte Interaktion“ (TZI; Subjects-centred Interaction), Gesamtverband Suchtkrankenhilfe Kassel
Advanced education „Psychosomatik und Psychiatrie“ (Psychosomatics and Psychiatry), University of Heidelberg
State exam „Rettungssanitäter“ (Paramedic), Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe (JUH)
Advanced education „Grundlagen der Führung im KatS - Teil 1“ (Bases of the Guidance in the Disaster Service), Federal Disaster Service School, Ahrweiler
Advanced education „Notfall-Medizin“ (Emergency Medicine), Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe (JUH), LV Baden-Württemberg, Mannheim
Advanced education „Transaktionsanalyse" einschließlich Eigenanalyse (Transaction Analysis, including own analysis), Gesamtverband Suchtkrankenhilfe, Kassel
Advanced education „Management 1 - Gustav Käser Training“: Psychologische Grundlagen, Vorbereitung und Selbstmotivation, Zeitmanagement, Führungsgrundsätze, Personalbeurteilung und -förderung, Persönliches Wirken nach innen und außen (Psychological bases, Preparation and selfmotivation, Time management, Leadership principles, Personnel judgement and staff support, Personal work inwards and outside), Gustav Käser AG, Zurich/Switzerland
Special Course „Führungskräfte, Pressewart“ (Executives, Public Information Officer/PIO) - State Fire School of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bruchsal
Professional education „Kreispressewart“ (County Public Information Officer/PIO) - State Fire School of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bruchsal
Advanced education „Planung und Organisation von Großveranstaltungen und Großeinsätzen“ (Planning and Organization of large Events and major Operations), Bezirksärztekammer (District Medical Association) Nordwürttemberg, Stuttgart
Advanced education „Leichtsinn beim Retten?“ (Carelessness during Rescue Operations?), Bezirksärztekammer (District Medical Association) Nordwürttemberg, Stuttgart
Advanced education „Gefahrenverhalten und seine Auswirkungen“ (Danger Behavior and its Consequences), Bezirksärztekammer (District Medical Association) Nordwürttemberg, Stuttgart
Education seminar „Arbeitsmedizinische Prävention bei Aufenthalten im Ausland“ (Working-medical Prevention for stays in foreign countries), Vereinigte Berufsgenossenschaften (VBG), Akademie Schloss Storkau
Education seminar „Stress handhaben“ (Stress Use), Vereinigte Berufsgenossenschaften (VBG), Akademie Schloss Bamberg
Education seminar „Verkehrsraum der Zukunft“ (Traffic Areas of the Future), Deutscher Verkehrssicherheitsrat (DVR; German Road Safety Council), Dipperz/Fulda
Education seminar „Abgelenkt?“ (Deflected?), Deutscher Verkehrssicherheitsrat (DVR; German Road Safety Council), Rodgau
Education seminar „Mit Blau- und Gelblicht unterwegs: Sicher zu einem Notfalleinsatz fahren“ (Driving with blue and yellow Flashlights: Driving safety to an Emergency Operation), Berufsgenossenschaft (VBG), Dresden
Education seminar „Sicher ankommen - Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung von Unfällen im Straßenverkehr“ (Arriving safety - Measures to the Avoidance of Traffic Accidents), Berufsgenossenschaft (VBG), Dresden