Cultural-musical work: Memberships
Within the scope of my musical interests and my cultural activities on the subject "Egerland/Bohemian brass music" I have been involved in different associations, organizations and working groups.
Beside my own "Egerländer Blasmusik- und Informationsarchiv" (Egerland Brass Music and Information Archive; see accompanying link) I inform you below with pleasure the three most essential memberships.
At its federal general meeting, the "Bund der Egerländer Gmoin e.V." (BdEG) set an example for his special recognition and appreciation of the Egerland brass music, the Egerland brass bands and musicians in Germany. With effect from July 2021 I was appointed as the "Federal Commissioner for the Egerland/bohemian Brass Music in the BdEG". "It is important to us to promote and support Egerland folk and brass music as a cultural part of our long-standing traditions," said BdEG Federal Chairman Volker Jobst in this context.
Working- and Research Group cultural-Creatives from the Egerland (Arbeitskrels Egerländer Kulturschaffender e.V. / AEK)
Federation of the Eghalanda Gmoin (Bund der Eghalanda Gmoin e.V. / BdEG)
The AEK is a working and research association at national level which collects the cultural assets of the Egerland (former traditional part of Bohemia/Czech Republic), safes and develops creatively as well as wants to bring together and promote culturally active people, among others, in the area of music.
Besides, from special meaning is maintaining international musical and cultural contacts to musicians and organizations in Germany and in in the former Egerland/Bohemia in today's Czech Republic.
The "Bund der Eghalanda Gmoin” (BdEG; association of local groups of former people from the Egerland) works an "Egerland Cultural House" with the Egerland Museum, the Egerland Art Gallery as well as an archive in Marktredwitz/Oberpfalz.
With effect from July 2021 I was appointed as the "Federal Commissioner for the Egerland/Bohemian Brass Music in the BdEG". "It is important to us to promote and support Egerland folk and brass music as a cultural part of our long-standing traditions," said BdEG Federal Chairman Volker Jobst in this context.
Beneficial Association Egerland Museum e.V. (Förderkreis Egerland-Museum)
The association was founded in 1994 to support the Egerland Museum in Marktredwitz in his continuance and activities. For this purpose Egerländer cultural asset is bought and made available to the museum, projects and exhibits are supported as well as
the scientific work of the museum is supported by financial measures.
In addition, the association follows tips to possible exhibits and catches up if necessary technical council and investigations. (membership until 2020)
Circle of Friends of Danube-Swabian Brass Music e.V. (Freundeskreis Donauschwäbische Blasmusik)
Accordance with its statues the purpose of the association is to preserve the Danube-Swabians brass music as an independent cultural asset as well as to beware the traditional folk music of the Danube-Swabians, to do accessibly to the following generations and to bring this music again more in the general public.
Besides, the music research, the publication of traditional music (brass music, folk music, folk songs, religious songs) on recording sound media as well as the realization of public concerts counts to the tasks of the association.
The association disposes in the cultural centre and documentation center of the Banater Swabians in Ulm/Donau of an extensive notes and sound media archive with music from the former settlement areas of the Danube-Swabians (today ex-Yugoslavia, Hungary, Romania).