Emergency and Medical Rescue Services - People for People
Also the "Rescue Service" belonged over many years to my main job as a professional paramedic and journalist. Within the scope of report orders as well as within the scope of the international operation documentations I had opportunities over and over again to visit emergency organizations and rescue services in Europe and in the USA to report later then about their work or to write books about their technology and tactics.
Also from this "Optical Memories" below some examples.
A small part of my "Optical Memories" (from left to right): 1. Wolfgang Jendsch (on the left) as a paramedic during an ambulance operation (1973); 2. Wolfgang Jendsch (on the right) as a paramedic with a doctors-ambulance (1978); 3. Medical rescue operation after a car crash in the Czech Republic; 4. Ambulance readiness during a car race on the "Nürburg-Ring" (1974); 5. Hight-altitude rescue operation in the Slovak Republic; 6. Wolfgang Jendsch (2nd from left) during a shift on a mountain rescue helicopter of the "Aiut Alpin Dolomites" in South Tyrol/Italy; 7. Medical rescue operation after a car crash in Las Vegas/Nevada; 8. Wolfgang Jendsch as a paramedic with a Rescue Unit Luzern/Switzerland; 9. Wolfgang Jendsch (on the right) as a paramedic (1976); 10. With the "Rega Air Rescue" during a emergency doctors operation after a bike accident; 11. Medical rescue operation of the Rescue Unit Zug/Switzerland; 12. Water emergency in Innsbruck/Austria.